Bonnie Hotz Pottery
Handmade Functional Pottery For Everyday Use
Hi Everyone!
I recently handcrafted hundreds of gift mugs for the company Bind. Here's what their Chief Marketing Officer had to say: "Bonnie’s work is beyond special and her talent is unmatched. The dream of finding a professional grade potter who had the ability and willingness to work with us to create a Bind branded personalized mug - where no two mugs (across hundreds of mugs) were the same required we find a rare gem. And a gem we found indeed. All that plus an amazing human!!"

If you work for or own a company and would like specialized mugs or other pottery pieces, please contact me and we can discuss your ideas.

This website shows the types of pots I make, you can see more pics by clicking on subheadings at top of page 

You can shop at:
   Bonnie Hotz Pottery ETSY site
Follow me on Bonnie Hotz Pottery on Facebook and see what I'm making
Bonzai Bonnie Instagram
Email me: (sorry, not hyperlinked)

With every pot and every firing I strive to make sweet, strong, functional pots with interesting forms, textures and colors that enhance your day!
My work is HIGH FIRE, meaning it is VERY DURABLE, you can use it each and every day with confidence!





Slabbed pieces with textures